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Encoding Material

Common formats

Case mapping

It is sometimes possible to change the expected case mapping. It will bypass WAF rules that are case-sensitive. Here is an example of .htaccess misconfiguration. htaccess is not a WAF per se but it represents what WAF custom rules be.

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} \bwp/v2/users\b
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} \bwp/v2/users\b [NC]
URL Result
https://blog.*.com/section/news?rest_route=/wp/v2/users BLOCKED
https://blog.*.com/section/news?rest_route=/wp/v2/usErs OK

Source code handling the rest_route parameter.

foreach ( $routes as $route => $handlers ) {
    $match = preg_match( '@^' . $route . '$@i', $path, $matches );

    if ( ! $match ) {

    $args = array();

Source: 6 ways to enumerate WordPress Users

URL encoding

HTTP GET and POST parameters are expected to be encoded by Web Application Firewall. But what happens if the application decodes the value once it has already been decoded by the web framework? This additional decoding is unlikely to break anything with normal input.

Here are a few examples:

Path encoded\

HTML double encoded


Examples are taken from: How to Bypass WAF. HackenProof Cheat Sheet

HTML/XSS specific

If you are testing for potential XSS, the payload you are sending to the webserver could be targeted for different contexts in the page. Based on the potential location you could use context-specific encoding.

Encoding Type Context " <
Named XML/HTML entities Value is read from the DOM &quote; &lt;
Hex XML/HTML entities Value is read from the DOM &#x22; / &#34; &x3C; / &#60;
Slash escaped Value inside Javascript variable \x22 , \042, \42 \x3C , \074, \74
String.fromCharCode Value inside Javascript variable String.fromCharCode(34) String.fromCharCode(74)


All those encodings may allow you to bypass keywords or characters blacklist.


Unicode is not the only way to encode characters

  • UTF-7 (+ADw-script+AD4-alert(123)+ADw-+AC8-script+AD4-) ⚠️
  • UTF-16LE (00 3c 00 62 00 6f 00 6f 00 6b)
  • UTF-16BE
  • UTF-32…

⚠️: No longer supported by many browsers and frameworks.

More info: Unicode vulnerabilities that could byͥte you

Unicode Normalization

Character Code point
< (U+003C)

SQL query:

INSERT INTO ContentTable VALUES (,'<img src=…')

Content when fetch:

<img src=x onerror=prompt(1)>

More info: XSS for developers



A nice web-based interface that allows you to chain multiple encoding types.

CyberChef in action

HackVertor (Burp Extension)

With this extension, you can use XML tags to represent encoding. Instead of encoding manually data and placing it in your request, you can build readable requests. It has a better selection of encoding since it is focused on web security rather than general formats.

message=<@urlencode_2><img src='x' onerror='prompt(1)'/><@/urlencode_2>

Fuzzy Encoding Generator (Burp Extension)

This extension integrates with Burp Intruder. It will re-encode in various forms the value placed between parameter delimiters §§.

Fuzzy Encoding Generator in action

Fuzzy Encoding Github repository